The New USPS Trucks Would Probably Be Illegal If They Weighed One Pound Less (2024)

The USPS has defended the purchase of up to 165,000 new trucks from increasing criticism—for being years late, oddly expensive, strangely inefficient, and only about 10 percent of them being electric—on the grounds that the current fleet is so old they’re bursting into flames and urgently need to be replaced. It further argues at least 5,000 of the vehicles will be electric, but the agency is too broke to buy more than that. Still, the USPS says, the gas models have a fuel efficiency of 14 mpg as long as the air conditioning isn’t running (8.6 mpg if it is) better than the current fleet—manufactured in the 1980s—that gets 8 mpg. And, the USPS points out, gas models can be converted to electric at a future date.

To critics of the purchase, these don’t sound like defenses at all, but further indictments of the decision making that led to it. Katherine Garcia, director of the Sierra Club’s Clean Transportation for All Campaign, told Motherboard, “I think their statement is misleading by suggesting that they’re going to convert these vehicles because that would be even more expensive than moving forward with an electric fleet to begin with.” She cited a study by the Atlas Public Policy research group that EVs would actually save the agency billions of dollars, especially if the alternative is vehicles that get such poor gas mileage.

But this whole debate would be moot if not for a strange fact about the new USPS vehicles disclosed in a letter published by the EPA last week. If the vehicles weighed just one pound less, they wouldn’t be permitted on American roads because they pollute too much.

In fact, Garcia argues, if the trucks had a gross vehicle weight of just .01 percent less, the delivery fleet would almost certainly have to be electric to meet the EPA’s new fuel efficiency standards.

“We suspect it was intentional,” Garcia deadpanned.

According to its environmental review of the procurement, the new gas delivery trucks have a curb weight of 5,560 pounds and a payload of 2,941 pounds, for a combined vehicle weight of 8,501 pounds. That is almost double the weight of the current USPS delivery vehicle, the LLV.

However the USPS and Oshkosh Defense, the manufacturer, came to calculate the payload at 2,941 instead of 2940, it was an incredibly important pound.

Vehicle emission regulations are complicated. There are many different types of vehicles in different size and weight classes, plus different types of emissions with their own standards in those classes. Generally speaking, cars have more stringent regulations than trucks, and so-called “light duty” trucks—which are often what most people call SUVs, pickup trucks, and minivans—have more stringent regulations than heavy duty trucks. In other words, the bigger and heavier the vehicle, the more it can pollute.

And, conveniently enough for the auto industry, vehicle manufacturers themselves determine which category a vehicle fits into—a process called “self-certification”—allowing them to game the system by classifying vehicles as bigger and heavier than they are or need to be. One of the most infamous examples of this was when Chrysler classified the PT Cruiser, which was based on the architecture of a Dodge Neon car, as a light truck, in order to lower Chrysler’s corporate average fuel economy for its light truck segment.

And, as it happens, 8,500 pounds is the dividing line between a light truck, which the EPA is pushing with increasingly stringent standards that can’t be met by gas cars, and a heavy duty truck, which currently has no timetable for electrification standards. So by a single pound—less than the weight of a single standard Amazon package—the new USPS vehicle will classify as a heavy duty truck, allowing it to not only be gas-powered, but pollute far more.

Do you know anything about the USPS vehicle procurement that we should know? Email Aaron Gordon at

This is a critical distinction, Dan Sperling, director of the Institute for Transportation Studies at UC Davis, told Motherboard, because the new USPS trucks would “definitely not” pass emissions tests as light duty trucks.

While the specific numbers vary based on a vehicle’s exact dimensions—information the USPS considers trade secrets—Sperling estimates a light duty truck approximately the size of a USPS delivery truck would need to achieve something in the neighborhood of 30 mpg to pass federal regulations. According to the USPS’s environmental review, it estimates the truck will get approximately 15 mpg when the air conditioning is off, but only 8.6 mpg with air conditioning on.

“So it’s not even in the ballpark,” Sperling said.

Garcia couldn’t put a number on it, but said it would have been difficult if not impossible to achieve with a gas version.

“If they had made a vehicle under the threshold,” Garcia said of the 8,500 pound limit, “they would have to modernize the fleet by going electric.”

The USPS declined to comment on this story. Oshkosh Defense did not respond to a request for comment.

The New USPS Trucks Would Probably Be Illegal If They Weighed One Pound Less (2024)


The New USPS Trucks Would Probably Be Illegal If They Weighed One Pound Less? ›

If the vehicles weighed just one pound less, they wouldn't be permitted on American roads because they pollute too much.

How heavy is a USPS truck? ›

The truck body is made from corrosion-resistant aluminum, weighs 3,000 pounds, can carry 1,000 pounds of mail and has a tight turning radius.

How many miles per gallon does a USPS LLV get? ›

In actual use by the USPS, which includes extensive stop-and-go driving for residential delivery, average fuel economy is about 8.2–10 mpgUS (28.7–23.5 L/100 km; 9.8–12.0 mpgimp; 3.5–4.3 km/L).

How many miles per gallon does a Oshkosh mail truck get? ›

The internal combustion engine (ICE) variant has an estimated fuel efficiency of 14.7 mpgUS (16.0 L/100 km), decreasing to 8.6 mpgUS (27 L/100 km) when the air conditioning is on.

How many miles per gallon does a Oshkosh truck get? ›

Oshkosh's proposed vehicle will only average 8.6 mpg (27.35 L/100 km) according to the EPA, a barely noticeable improvement on the current Grumman-made LLV trucks, which average 8.2 mpg (28.68 L/100 km). And there is no plan to convert any internal combustion-engined NGDVs to battery electric.

Is there a weight limit for USPS? ›

Maximum Size

USPS Retail Ground pieces may measure up to 130 inches in combined length and girth (but will be charged oversized prices). Regardless of the size of the mailpiece, the maximum mailable weight of any mailpiece is 70 pounds.

How strict is USPS with shipping weight? ›

Domestic packages may not weigh more than 70 pounds.

The maximum weight of international packages varies based on country. This can be determined through the Postage Calculator. Overweight charge - Any item exceeding the 70-pound weight limit is nonmailable.

How much does USPS pay for gas mileage? ›

Expense Forms

The forms below are used to submit expense claims to APWU headquarters. Beginning on January 1, 2024, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) will be 67 cents per mile for business miles driven, up 1.5 cents from 2023.

How much does a Grumman LLV unit cost? ›

With economies of scale from both the commercial platform and the Grumman factory, the vehicles cost the USPS just $11,651 each in 1986 ($37,071 in 2024 dollars), the same price as a Chevy Caprice station wagon. The LLV may have been a great value at purchase, but it's long past due for retirement.

What engine does a mail truck have? ›

There were some 2.5L engines used towards the end of the development. The other is a Utilimaster/Ford FFV (flexible fuel vehicle) effort based on the Ford Ranger chassis. It has a 4.0L V-6. The USPS truck you're probably referring to is the little Grumman Long Life Vehicle most letter carriers drive.

Are mail trucks good on gas? ›

According to the USPS's environmental review, it estimates the truck will get approximately 15 mpg when the air conditioning is off, but only 8.6 mpg with air conditioning on.

What fuel do mail trucks use? ›

They are also referred to as flex-fuel vehicles (FFVs). Almost all dual-fuel vehicles in the postal fleet are E85 FFVs, which operate on either gasoline or E85. Take the following steps to determine if you are driving an E85 FFV: n Check your gas cap.

What engine is in an Oshkosh? ›

700 hp Caterpillar® C18 engine. Allison® 4800SP transmission. Single-speed Oshkosh 30000 Series transfer case.

How many miles per gallon does a military truck get? ›

It is rated to get 2 MPG fully loaded and the military requires a 300 mile cruising range, thus giving it a 156 gallon tank. So, an empty tank can cost you up to $400 or more to fill on this monster. I think I am getting about 4 MPG running empty, but haven't checked as I think I am better off not knowing.

How many miles per gallon does a Ford Courier diesel get? ›

Ford quotes 70.6mpg for this diesel model – and that's without the optional stop-start system (74.3mpg) or the 62mph speed limiter (76.3mpg, when fitted with stop-start). Realistically, you can expect to see 50+mpg, depending on how often you travel fully loaded.

How heavy is a UPS delivery truck? ›

It is estimated that a UPS delivery truck can weigh between 16,000-24,000 pounds. While a UPS-18 wheeler with a loaded trailer may weigh as much as 80,000 pounds. GVWR stands for gross vehicle weight rating.

How heavy are delivery trucks? ›

While there is some variation in the size of delivery trucks, they usually weigh around 6 tons. Drivers are often trying to keep to a tight delivery schedule, which makes them more prone to accidents. They may be traveling faster than they should be or instructed to make deliveries in inclement weather.

How much does a carrier truck weigh? ›

Due to factors like the engine power, how much it can tow, and whether it's a sleeper cab, the unladen weight of a semi-tractor can vary between 10,000 and 25,000 pounds. An empty 53-foot trailer weighs about 10,000 pounds, making it about 35,000 pounds unloaded.

What is standard mail weight? ›

First-class mail is used for postcards, letters, large envelopes, and small packages. First-class mail must weigh 13 ounces or less. Pieces over 13 ounces can be sent as Priority Mail.

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