Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (2024)

If you haven’t heard yet, Azoth is the hot new commodity from Wizard101’s Summer Update. This new treasure card (and reagent) is at the center of all things Guilds and Raids. But it doesn’t stop there, crafting and combat uses accompany the TC as well, and there are numerous ways to acquire it. But let’s slow down a bit and start at the basics.

What is Azoth???

Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (1)

Azoth in its primary form is a farmable TC with multiple uses. The best part of being a TC is that this can be easily traded to other characters. From this single tc, there are multiple uses. Extracting and refining azoth into actual reagents can be used to help upgrade certain areas of the guild. Additionally, Azoth in all of its forms can be used in new crafting recipes added in with the Guild House. Given that it is a TC, it does also have a combat feature, but that’s a twist we’ll dive into later.

Farming Azoth

There are various ways to get azoth throughout the game. Key Bosses, Boss Rematches, Pet Talents, Raid Bosses, Questing and Guild Daily Rewards are all the current ways to secure azoth as confirmed by the Wizard101 Developers. All methods provide different efficiencies for farming.

Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (2)

  • Key Bosses
  • Boss Rematches
  • Pet Talents
  • Raid Bosses
  • Guild Sprites
  • Questing

Skeleton Key Bosses

With the Skeleton Key rework, 10 total bosses were added or upgraded with this update to give more rewards. Part of the new loot pool includes the chance to get 3-4 Azoth per player per run. If you didn’t already know, these bosses will also drop lore spellements as well as pack gear. These bosses are all level scaled to the lowest level player on the run. Azoth is one of those level-locked rewards so make sure your team is composed of similar level players!

Click the Boss Icons to see their guides.

Boss Rematches

Boss Rematches are probably the easiest fights to access. They are craftable and can be accessed at any level. Similar to Key Bosses, they drop about 3-4 azoth per run along with rank specific world spellements. Currently, there are 5 boss rematches. Krokopatra and Jade Oni rematches provide that fastest strategies for players looking to grind out azoth. However, these fights can require quite a bit of reagent investment.

Click the Boss Icons to see their guides.

Pet Talents

Pet Adventure Talents are also another source for Azoth. There are 9 Scout talents that will let your pet go farm nearby reagents and return with additional reagents and azoth TCs. School specific scout talents like Myth Scout or Ice Scout have a lower cooldown and thus only produce one azoth per use. However, spiritual and elemental scout will return two azoth per use. Below is an example of elemental scout drops from the Shopping District.

Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (18)

Tier 1 Talents: Elemental Scout, Spiritual Scout

Tier 2 Talents: Balance Scout, Death Scout, Fire Scout, Ice Scout, Life Scout, Myth Scout, Storm Scout

Raid Bosses

Given the high amount of azoth TCs required to entire a raid, it’s not surprising that Raid Bosses will give you a return for defeating them. The Big Cat Burglar, Unfun Guy, Gobblorian Sentry, Nullity, and Millispeeder all drop 2-4 azoth. That’s about 20 potential azoth per player for a successful raid. However, given the difficulty in reaching this source and the challenge of actually completing it, the Raid is gonna be the worst source for farming Azoth.

Guild Sprites

As part of the unlockable features in the guild, there are 4 daily rewards known as the Guild Sprites. Each sprite will give one azoth TC for a max of 4 per day. Of course similar to the raid key, this has to be unlocked with azoth itself. The 1 azoth a day is a nice to have but realistically, there are a lot of other investments for azoth that probably leave the daily rewards as the last thing to be unlocked.


For the more indirect route, players may also see azoth drop from bosses while they quest. End world bosses and dungeons like Barkingham Palace all have the chance to drop the tc but once again, this source is not optimal for grinding.

That’s a good amount of places to get azoth. Some are good, like the boss rematches, and some are bad, like mainline story bosses. But as the azoth starts to rake in, there’s lots of good uses.

Guild Upgrades

The most important use for Azoth is upgrading the Guild House. With various additions and upgrades scattered throughout this new house, there’s lots of room to pursue specific uses for your newly acquired Azoth. The majority of the unlocks all require the base version of Azoth, the tc form. This is pretty easy to acquire and donate to the guild house. Simply find a guild lock in the guild house and donate the required number of tcs. Most of the primary locks require 1440 azoth to unlock the Islands. After that, upgrades will require some experimenting with extracting and refining Azoth.

Converting Azoth

For our next trick you’ll need to unlock the main guild crafter, Alpha. There are two methods for converting azoth TCs into actual reagents, extraction and refinement.

Azoth Refinement

Refinement is the method used via the guild crafter. There will be a couple options available once your guild first unlocks the Guild crafter. Refine Azoth (10), Refine Azoth (50), and Refine Azoth (100). Only the Refine (10) will be available after the first unlock. The rest will require upgrading the guild crafter. Additionally, by using the Refine (10) recipe, the guild crafter has a random chance to grant you extraction recipes for Elemental, Spiritual and Harmonic azoth.

Azoth Extraction

So now you have extraction recipes. How do they work? They work like normal transmutes, except they are called extraction recipes that require the card crafting station. There are some pros and cons. Bad news first, each extraction recipe will have a 4 hour cool down per crafting slot. The guild crafter doesn’t have a cooldown. However, the guild crafting station requires 10 azoth for every 1 conversion. The extraction method only requires 8. While that may seem minor, I promise 2 azoth will add up, especially with the number of times you will be required to use one of these methods. Another benefit of the extraction spells – they will give you the exact azoth you want. On the other hand, the crafter is mostly rng with the azoth it rewards so you might have to invest a bit more azoth than you planned if you’re having a bad day.

Strategic Conversion

With these two options available, you’ll probably want to know the how best to convert your azoth. The strategy is simple. Have a few people use the refinement recipes via the guild crafter until they have the first 3 extraction spells. Then have everyone else give their azoth to these select players. A good trick to circumvent the crafting cooldown is to use a crafting benefit elixir or wait for the crafting member benefit to be active. Additionally, as stated above you will be saving lots of azoth on your extractions and you will be able to get the specific type you need for your next upgrade.

Azoth Recipes

Guild Crafter Refinement Recipes

Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (19)

Crafting Station: Guild Crafter I

Random Rewards:

  • x1 Elemental Azoth
  • x1 Harmonic Azoth
  • x1 Spiritual Azoth
  • Extract Elemental Azoth Recipe
  • Extract Harmonic Azoth Recipe
  • Extract Spiritual Azoth Recipe

Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (20)

Crafting Station: Guild Crafter II

Random Rewards:

  • x6 Elemental Azoth
  • x6 Harmonic Azoth
  • x6 Spiritual Azoth
  • Extract Elemental Azoth Recipe (Better Chance)
  • Extract Harmonic Azoth Recipe (Better Chance)
  • Extract Spiritual Azoth Recipe (Better Chance)

Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (21)

Crafting Station: Guild Crafter II

Random Rewards:

  • x1 Balance Azoth OR Extract Recipe
  • x1 Death Azoth OR Extract Recipe
  • x1 Fire Azoth OR Extract Recipe
  • x1 Ice Azoth OR Extract Recipe
  • x1 Life Azoth OR Extract Recipe
  • x1 Myth Azoth OR Extract Recipe
  • x1 Storm Azoth OR Extract Recipe

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Crafting Station: Guild Crafter III

Random Rewards:

  • x17 Elemental Azoth
  • x17 Harmonic Azoth
  • x17 Spiritual Azoth
  • Extract Elemental Azoth Recipe (Best Chance)
  • Extract Harmonic Azoth Recipe (Best Chance
  • Extract Spiritual Azoth Recipe (Best Chance)

Learnable Azoth Extraction Recipes

Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (23)

Obtain from: Refine Azoth recipe

Crafter: Card Crafting Station

Cooldown: 4 hours

Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (24)

Obtain from: Refine Azoth recipe

Crafter: Card Crafting Station

Cooldown: 4 hours

Obtain from: Refine Azoth recipe

Crafter: Card Crafting Station

Cooldown: 4 hours

Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (26)

Obtain from: Extract School Azoth recipe

Crafter: Card Crafting Station

Cooldown: 8 hours

Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (27)

Obtain from: Extract School Azoth recipe

Crafter: Card Crafting Station

Cooldown: 8 hours

Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (28)

Obtain from: Extract School Azoth recipe

Crafter: Card Crafting Station

Cooldown: 8 hours

Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (29)

Obtain from: Extract School Azoth recipe

Crafter: Card Crafting Station

Cooldown: 8 hours

Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (30)

Obtain from: Extract School Azoth recipe

Crafter: Card Crafting Station

Cooldown: 8 hours

Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (31)

Obtain from: Extract School Azoth recipe

Crafter: Card Crafting Station

Cooldown: 8 hours

Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (32)

Obtain from: Extract School Azoth recipe

Crafter: Card Crafting Station

Cooldown: 8 hours

With all these different ways to convert azoth tcs, you should be able to start upgrading your Guild House. The farther you progress, the more important these recipes become. But that isn’t the only thing you can do with your newly converted azoth, there’s also crafting.

Crafting Recipes

After making significant progress on upgrading your new guild house, players will notice crafting stations that can be unlocked on certain islands. There’s a crafter for the Arena Island (PvP), Battle Island (Raids), and the Guild Hall Island (Housing). There are some new recipes along with a long list of returning items from elsewhere in the game. With these new reagents players can shift focus on the guild house and still get some of the items they may have been chasing elsewhere. All of these recipes require different forms of azoth, no other reagents are included in these recipes.

The PvP crafter has a lot of the same items we saw on vendors for the 5th Age launch of pvp. Similarly, the Housing crafter has a lot of item’s we’ve seen previously either from the crowns shop, bundles, or on the scroll of fortune. However, the Battle crafter comes with some new goodies. Raid keys and Inspire Cantrip TCs are the highlights of this new crafter, both very important for guild members. But hold on, there is a twist. Along with unlocking these crafters, they also have to be upgraded to access all recipes which may explain why some of these recipes look pretty good.


Last but not least, what good is a tc if it can’t be used in battle! As the card denotes, it does quite literally ‘something’. If you haven’t ventured out to test it yet, I suggest you give it a try. Every time this tc is casted in battle is does 1 out of 23 possible spells (that we know of) at random. There are some heals, blades, traps; all your typical utility spells. But my favorite has to be the AOE Polymorph Gobbler. That’s right, read that again. AOE. Polymorph. Gobbler. This spell can turn your entire team into a hoard of gobblers for 3 rounds. So be careful not to bite off a bit more than you can chew from this TC.

Some other fun spells included in this tc:

  • Deadzone -> An aura placed on the enemy that will turn incoming healing into damage (finally!)
  • Guardian Spirit -> Bring target back with 5% of max hp
  • Nullify Heal -> A new iteration of the notorious lifebane. It will essentially dispel the next incoming heal.
  • Confuse -> 2 round confuse effect from Tatzlewurm/Medulla
  • Equalizer -> Global spell to cap maximum damage at 1000 per spell.

Final Thoughts

This is without a doubt the most complex TC we’ve seen added to the game to date. Between its role as a reagent as well as its progression and usability, it’s definitely a great addition to the game. It’s refreshing to see a new twist on some of the ordinary aspects of the game. And who knows, maybe it will be expanded on in the future!

What do you think about Azoth?? What will you be using it for??

Let us know in the comments below!

  • Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (33)
  • Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (34)
  • Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (35)
  • Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (36)
  • Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (37)

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Wizard101 Azoth - Final Bastion (2024)
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